THE RAIN LIGHT's best companion. Our fitting kit provides you with everything you need to hardwire and fit our very popular rain light via a switch. This pack provides you with:
- 12V 3 Prong LED Switch
- 2x Diffuser Fitting Brackets (40mm x 40mm)
- 5m 12V Wiring
- 2x Nut and Bolt fittings
The Rain Light can be hardwired via a 12V source using our LED switch which you can install anywhere in your cabin, meaning it can be manually switched on and off. The Fitting Brackets and provided hardware allow fitting of the Rain Light to almost any other aftermarket diffuser/fin which is not a parallel surface to the bolts protruding from the Rain Light.
Depending on application, further connectors, fuse holders, fuses and other hardware may also be required for safe and secure installation.
Additional Info:
Please note we advise that you check your local laws and regulations when adding additional exterior lighting to your vehicle other than what is provided from the manufacturer's standard for public road use. VAG Exclusive accepts no responsibility for improper use of this product and is marked as OFF ROAD USE ONLY.
Professional Installation is also advised. VAG Exclusive will also not accept any responsibility for any damage or improper installation caused.
This product is eligible for FREE UK SHIPPING.